Tuesday, July 17, 2007

great american bake sale

I can still remember enjoying a cupcake or brownie at school bake sales or church carnivals. I never could decide which one to choose -- everything looks good to a five-year-old kid! I do recall having a soft spot for yellow cake with chocolate frosting, and that soft spot lasts still :-)

Anyway, one of the things that totally breaks my heart is knowing that there are hungry children and families -- especially when I have been blessed with such bountiful plates every day. Below is a snippet from the Share our Strength website. If you feel so moved, click on the icon in the upper-right part of this website to give a little -- it can go a long way toward making a difference!

Hunger is a Reality for over 12 million children in America.

While America doesn't have the kind of starvation that plagues victims of war and famine overseas, and makes for dramatic footage on the evening news, the evidence of significant hunger in our midst could not be more pervasive.

Because of hunger, there are children in America not growing as they should be. They are underweight, and often neurologically and developmentally delayed and impaired. Children who experience hunger get sick more often and have lower academic achievement than their well-fed peers. Many of these children are helped by federal feeding programs. Unfortunately, not all eligible children currently participate in these important programs, leaving them vulnerable to hunger during the summer and after school.

Nationally, 1 in 6 American children live in homes at risk of hunger. Many of these children are helped by federal and state feeding programs, but there remains gaps in their eating during the summer and after school.

Grants from Share Our Strength's Great American Bake Sale support local organizations that provide children with the nutritious meals they need during the summer and after school.

Together We Can End This

With your help, we can end childhood hunger in America. We want to continue strengthening our communities and working to end childhood hunger in America, but we need your help.

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